Políticas de la Memoria

Current Issue

No. 23 (2023)
Published December 20, 2023

Research yearbook of the Center of Documentation and Research in Left-wing Cultures - CeDInCI. It publishes refereed articles, critical reflections, interviews, surveys and reviews that contribute to the study and reflection of current debates on the intellectual history of the left and social and political movements in Argentina, Latin America and the world, as well as to the contemporary development of critical and emancipatory theories and policies of archiving, preservation and representation of collective memory, from various disciplinary traditions.

Políticas de la Memoria represents an effort to respond to international standards of validation, academic quality and indexing, without renouncing to a will of intellectual intervention that was the hallmark of the most significant journals of the twentieth century.

ISSN 1668-4885 / ISSNe 2683-7234 / https://doi.org/10.47195/PM


Illustrations in this issue

Frans Masereel
The Idea (1920)
PDF (Español (España))

Presentation | Doing things with magazines at the VI° CHIAL

Liliana Weinberg, Regina Crespo, Marcelo Ridenti
A sample of chores: texts for the discussion of Doing things with magazines
PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
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 ISSN 1668-4885 - ISSNe 2683-7234 


- Políticas de la memoria ha sido evaluada dentro las siguientes plataformas nacionales, regionales e internacionales:

(catálogo 2.0, 2018-)


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- Políticas de la Memoria cumple y utiliza los siguientes estándares tecnológicos:


- Políticas de la memoria se rige por los estándares internacionales éticos de:


- Políticas de la memoria 
apoya la "Declaración de San Francisco sobre la evaluación de la investigación" (DORA):