Biographies, militancy, dictionaries
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biography, militancy, itinerary, lives, people from below, labor movement
Labor movement


The biographical genre began with famous figures. For the lives from below appear, the people from below had to become sufficiently important in the History that is made, and then the history that is written stopped at them. With this gaze enabled, militant action became a privileged observatory. This text invites us to understand the militant worker as the visible exponent of a great invisible movement since he is the one who "crystallizes the mass". In addition, it proposes the dictionary of lives as a tool to read in a non-inertial way a Movement, the workers' movement, with multiple dynamics: not only those who are located above but also those who are on all sides and even behind. A dictionary seems a harmless thing. Although it does not necessarily narrate things, or that it speaks of people out of the ordinary, by advancing along little-traveled roads, it could generate, in the unfinished intrigues of the history of those at the top, a health disorder.
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