Becomings of veganism
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animal welfare


In the mid-20th century, activists Donald Watson, Eva Watson, Fay Henderson, Elsie (Sally) Shrigley y Leslie Cross conceptualized veganism as an ethical principle capable of sculpting a way of life alternative to the one built upon various forms of "animal slavery." Veganism, in contrast to the concept of speciesism, was from its inception an affirmative commitment to the creation of new modes of existence. Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, the notion of veganism has shifted from being almost unknown to being present in everyday language. However, this widespread recognition has often reduced veganism to an inflexible morality or an identity rooted in the consumption of products alternative to those of animal origin. In contrast, the 21st century has also witnessed a revitalization of the concept that challenges this reductionism and tends to pluralize it. Thus, today, there is talk of Black veganisms, Indigenous veganisms, popular veganisms, (trans)feminist veganisms, crip veganisms, among others. This article aims to reconstruct, genealogically, the evolution of the concept and propose an approach that aligns with contemporary practices and uses.
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