The purpose of this article is to delimit the influence of Baran and Sweezy in the
formulation of the Marxist theory of dependency in Latin America between 1950 and
the late 1960s. We consider the hypotheses concerning the links between foreign
investment and underdevelopment, as well as the determination of the nature of the
modes of production. The correspondence between Baran and Sweezy confirms the
importance of these hypotheses for the study of Latin American formations in a
marxist dependentist point of view and the construction of corresponding political
strategies. The article contributes to the study of the role of the US socialist left in the
rising of a Marxist critique of underdevelopment in post-war Latin America.
Anonymous, “Guatemala’s Social Revolution”, in Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n° 8, 1954.
Bambirra, Vania, El capitalismo dependiente latinoamericano, México, Siglo XXI, (1974a) 1985.
--------La Revolución Cubana: una reinterpretación, México, Nuestro Tiempo, (1974b).
Baran, Paul, “On the political economy of backwardness”, in The Manchester School, 20(1), (1952).
-------La economia política del crecmiento, México, FCE, (1957) 1959.
------- “Reflections on the Cuban Revolution” i y ii, in Monthly Review, Vol. 12, n° 8 y Vol. 12, n° 9, 1961.
Baran, Paul to Sweezy, Paul, July 15, 1951, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York, 1966.
------Dec. 3rd, 1962, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
------Aug. 28, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
------Oct. 10, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
Baran, Paul y Foster, John Bellamy, The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York., 2017.
Baran, Paul y Sweezy, Paul, El capital monopolista, México, Siglo XXI, 1966.
Beams, Nick, “Marxism and the Political Economy of Paul Sweezy”, en World Socialist Web Site, 2004. Disponible en https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2004/04/ps6-a13.html
Bellofiore, Riccardo, “Between Schumpeter and Keynes: The Heterodoxy of Paul Marlor Sweezy and the Orthodoxy of Paul Mattick” en Continental Thought & Theory, 2017.
Briceño Ramírez, Laura, “Vania Bambirra y la alternativa insurreccional a inicios de los años 70”, en Izquierdas, n° 28, 2016.
Castro, Fidel, La historia me absolverá, La Habana, Ed. de Ciencias Sociales, (1954) 2007.
Culver, John C. y Hide, John, The Life and Times of Henry Wallace, Norton, New York, 2000.
De la Souchère, Elena, “Guatemala : No Communist Bridgehead”, in Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n° 3, 1954.
------“Guatemala’s Social Revolution. A Reply”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n° 8, 1954.
------ “Rise and Fall of Peronism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 7, n° 8, 1955.
Dobb, Maurice, Estudios sobre el desarrollo del capitalismo, México, Siglo XXI, (1946) 1981.
------Prólogo a Kay, El sistema señorial europeo y la hacienda latinoamericana, México, Era, 1980.
Dos Santos, Theotônio, “El capitalismo colonial según A. G. Frank”, en Monthly Review en castellano, n° 5, 1968.
------Dependencia y cambio social, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, 1973.
Fine, Ben, “Enigma in the Origins of Paul Sweezy's Political Economy”, en Review of Political Economy, Vol. 21, n°1, 2009.
Foster, John Bellamy, “The commitment of an intellectual: Paul M. Sweezy (1910-2004)”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 56, n° 5, 2004.
------ “Insights from the Sweezy-Schumpeter debate”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 63, n° 1, 2011.
Frank, André Gunder, “Mexico: The Janus Faces of 20th Century Bourgeois Revolution”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 14, n° 7, 1962.
------ “The variety of Land Reform”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 14, n° 12, 1963.
------ “Not feudalism – capitalism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 15, n° 8, 1963.
------ “On the mechanisms of imperialism: the case of Brazil”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 16, n° 5, 1964.
------ “The development of underdevelopment”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 18, n° 4, 1966.
------Capitalismo y subdesarrollo en AL, México, Siglo XXI, 1967.
------ “Latinoamérica: Subdesarrollo capitalista o revolución socialista”, en Pensamiento Crítico, n° 13, (1968).
------ “Lumpenbourgeoisie: lumpendevelopment: dependence, class, and politics in Latin America”, MRP, New York, 1974.
------La agricultura mexicana: transformación del modo de producción (1521-1630), México, Era, (1972) 1982.
Guerrero, Diego, “Reflexiones sobre la vida y la obra de Paul Sweezy (I)”, en Oikos, 2004, pp. 149-186.
Gilly, Adolfo, “Inside the Cuban Revolution”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 16, n°6, 1964.
------ “A guerrilla wind”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 8, 1965.
------ “The guerrilla movement in Guatemala Part I”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 1, 1965.
------ “The guerrilla movement in Guatemala Part I”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 2), 1965.
Hart, Oliver D., y Grayham, E. Mizon, “50th Anniversary of the Review of Economic Studies”, in The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 50, n°4, 1983, pp. 583-583.
Hobsbawm, Eric J., Historia del siglo XX, 1914-1991, Barcelona, Crítica, (1994) 1996.
Howard, Michael C. y King, John Edward, A History of Marxian Economics, London, MacMillan, 1989.
------“The economic contributions of Paul Sweezy”, in Review of Political Economy, Vol. 16, n° 4, 2004.
Huberman, Leo y Sweezy, Paul, “Where we stand. Introductory editorial”, en Montly Review, Vol. 1, n° 1, 1949.
------ “Point Four”, Monthly Review, Vol. 1, n° 4, 1949.
------ “The Bridges Cases; F. O. Matthiessen; Harrold J. Laski”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 2, n° 1, 1950.
------ “Point Four VS Social Revolution”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 2, n° 2, 1950.
------ “United State and Latin America”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n° 3, 1954.
------ “The “victory” of the Dulles brothers”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n°4, 1954.
------ “La Monthly Review. Selecciones en castellano en su primer año de existencia”, en Monthly Review en castellano, Vol. 1, n° 12, 1964.
Kay, Cristóbal, Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment, London, Routledge, 1989.
Magdoff, Harry, The Age of imperialism, MRP, New York, (1966).
Mandel, Ernest, “Introduction à la Novaia Ejonomika, en Préobrajensky”, La nouvelle Economique, EDI, Paris (1965) 1970.
Marini, Ruy Mauro, “Brazilian “interdependence” and imperialist integration”, in Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 7, 1965.
------ “Brazilian Subimperialism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 27, n° 9, 1972.
------ La dialéctica de la dependencia, México, ERA, 1973.
Martínez Heredia, Fernando, “El mundo ideológico cubano de 1959 marzo 1960”, en Sánchez Quiroz, Pensar en tiempo de revolución, Buenos aires, CLACSO, 2018.
McChesney, Robert W., “The Monthly Review Story: 1949-1984”, en MR Zine, June, 5, 2007.
Mills, Charles W, White Collar, Oxford University Press, New York, 1951.
Nichols, John, The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party, Verso Books, London, 2020.
O’Connor, Harvey, “The Colonial Dilemma, Part I”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 3, n° 9, 1952.
------ “The Colonial Dilemma, Part II”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 3, n° 10, 1952.
------ The Empire of Oil, MRP, New York, 1955.
Perlo, Victor, Empire of high finance, International Publishers, New York, 1957.
Radosh, Ronald, Commies: A Journey Through the Old Left, the New Left and the Leftover Left, Encounter Books, 2010.
Rojas, Rafael, Fighting over Fidel, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2015.
Samuelson, Paul. Anthony, “Schumpeter as a teacher and economic theorist”, in The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1951, pp. 98-103.
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, Histoire de l’analyse économique, Tomes I y III, Paris, Gallimard, (1954) 1983.
Strong, Anna Louise, “Guatemala: A First-Hand Report”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 5, n° 11, 1954.
Sweezy, Paul, Teoría del desarrollo capitalista, México, FCE, (1942) 1981.
------ “La aportación de Keynes al análisis del capitalismo”, en John Maynard Keynes et al. Crítica de la economía clásica, Buenos Aires, Ariel, (1946) 1972.
------ “Introduction to Schumpeter”, en Imperialism and social classes, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1951.
------ “A critique”, en Hilton, Rodney (ed.), The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, London, New Left Books, (1954) 1976.
------ “Paul A. Baran: Recuerdos personales” en Sweezy, Paul, Harry Magdoff, Paul Baran, El hombre y su obra, Madrid, Siglo XXI, (1965) 1971.
------ “A Conversation with Paul Sweezy”, by Sungar Savran y E. Ahmet Tonak, in Monthly Review, Vol. 38, n° 11, 1987.
Sweezy, Paul y Huberman, Leo, FO Matthiessen, 1902-1950, Schuman, New York, 1950.
------ Cuba: Anatomy of a Revolution, MRP, New York, 1960.
____ “Notes on Latin America”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 14, n° 11, 1963.
____ Socialism in Cuba, MRP, New York, 1969.
Sweezy, Paul to Baran, Paul, May 6, 1962, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ Jan. 17, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ Jan. 28, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ March 29, 1963 en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ Feb. 24, 1964, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
Sweezy Paul y Magdoff, Harry, “New Reformism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 28, n° 2, 1976.
Sweezy, Paul, “Interview of Paul M. Sweezy” by Christopher Phelps and Andor Skotnes, en Monthly Review, Vol. 51, n°1, 1999.
Uchitelle, Louise, “Paul Sweezy, 93, Marxist Publisher and Economist, died”, en New York Times, March 2, 2004.
US Senate, “Henry Agard Wallace, 33rd Vice President (1941-1945)”, 2020. Disponible en https://www.senate.gov/about/officers-staff/vice-president/VP_Henry_Wallace.htm
Wallace, Henry A., “What is Progressive Capitalism?”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 1, n°. 12, 1950.
Bambirra, Vania, El capitalismo dependiente latinoamericano, México, Siglo XXI, (1974a) 1985.
--------La Revolución Cubana: una reinterpretación, México, Nuestro Tiempo, (1974b).
Baran, Paul, “On the political economy of backwardness”, in The Manchester School, 20(1), (1952).
-------La economia política del crecmiento, México, FCE, (1957) 1959.
------- “Reflections on the Cuban Revolution” i y ii, in Monthly Review, Vol. 12, n° 8 y Vol. 12, n° 9, 1961.
Baran, Paul to Sweezy, Paul, July 15, 1951, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York, 1966.
------Dec. 3rd, 1962, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
------Aug. 28, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
------Oct. 10, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
Baran, Paul y Foster, John Bellamy, The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York., 2017.
Baran, Paul y Sweezy, Paul, El capital monopolista, México, Siglo XXI, 1966.
Beams, Nick, “Marxism and the Political Economy of Paul Sweezy”, en World Socialist Web Site, 2004. Disponible en https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2004/04/ps6-a13.html
Bellofiore, Riccardo, “Between Schumpeter and Keynes: The Heterodoxy of Paul Marlor Sweezy and the Orthodoxy of Paul Mattick” en Continental Thought & Theory, 2017.
Briceño Ramírez, Laura, “Vania Bambirra y la alternativa insurreccional a inicios de los años 70”, en Izquierdas, n° 28, 2016.
Castro, Fidel, La historia me absolverá, La Habana, Ed. de Ciencias Sociales, (1954) 2007.
Culver, John C. y Hide, John, The Life and Times of Henry Wallace, Norton, New York, 2000.
De la Souchère, Elena, “Guatemala : No Communist Bridgehead”, in Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n° 3, 1954.
------“Guatemala’s Social Revolution. A Reply”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n° 8, 1954.
------ “Rise and Fall of Peronism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 7, n° 8, 1955.
Dobb, Maurice, Estudios sobre el desarrollo del capitalismo, México, Siglo XXI, (1946) 1981.
------Prólogo a Kay, El sistema señorial europeo y la hacienda latinoamericana, México, Era, 1980.
Dos Santos, Theotônio, “El capitalismo colonial según A. G. Frank”, en Monthly Review en castellano, n° 5, 1968.
------Dependencia y cambio social, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, 1973.
Fine, Ben, “Enigma in the Origins of Paul Sweezy's Political Economy”, en Review of Political Economy, Vol. 21, n°1, 2009.
Foster, John Bellamy, “The commitment of an intellectual: Paul M. Sweezy (1910-2004)”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 56, n° 5, 2004.
------ “Insights from the Sweezy-Schumpeter debate”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 63, n° 1, 2011.
Frank, André Gunder, “Mexico: The Janus Faces of 20th Century Bourgeois Revolution”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 14, n° 7, 1962.
------ “The variety of Land Reform”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 14, n° 12, 1963.
------ “Not feudalism – capitalism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 15, n° 8, 1963.
------ “On the mechanisms of imperialism: the case of Brazil”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 16, n° 5, 1964.
------ “The development of underdevelopment”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 18, n° 4, 1966.
------Capitalismo y subdesarrollo en AL, México, Siglo XXI, 1967.
------ “Latinoamérica: Subdesarrollo capitalista o revolución socialista”, en Pensamiento Crítico, n° 13, (1968).
------ “Lumpenbourgeoisie: lumpendevelopment: dependence, class, and politics in Latin America”, MRP, New York, 1974.
------La agricultura mexicana: transformación del modo de producción (1521-1630), México, Era, (1972) 1982.
Guerrero, Diego, “Reflexiones sobre la vida y la obra de Paul Sweezy (I)”, en Oikos, 2004, pp. 149-186.
Gilly, Adolfo, “Inside the Cuban Revolution”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 16, n°6, 1964.
------ “A guerrilla wind”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 8, 1965.
------ “The guerrilla movement in Guatemala Part I”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 1, 1965.
------ “The guerrilla movement in Guatemala Part I”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 2), 1965.
Hart, Oliver D., y Grayham, E. Mizon, “50th Anniversary of the Review of Economic Studies”, in The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 50, n°4, 1983, pp. 583-583.
Hobsbawm, Eric J., Historia del siglo XX, 1914-1991, Barcelona, Crítica, (1994) 1996.
Howard, Michael C. y King, John Edward, A History of Marxian Economics, London, MacMillan, 1989.
------“The economic contributions of Paul Sweezy”, in Review of Political Economy, Vol. 16, n° 4, 2004.
Huberman, Leo y Sweezy, Paul, “Where we stand. Introductory editorial”, en Montly Review, Vol. 1, n° 1, 1949.
------ “Point Four”, Monthly Review, Vol. 1, n° 4, 1949.
------ “The Bridges Cases; F. O. Matthiessen; Harrold J. Laski”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 2, n° 1, 1950.
------ “Point Four VS Social Revolution”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 2, n° 2, 1950.
------ “United State and Latin America”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n° 3, 1954.
------ “The “victory” of the Dulles brothers”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 6, n°4, 1954.
------ “La Monthly Review. Selecciones en castellano en su primer año de existencia”, en Monthly Review en castellano, Vol. 1, n° 12, 1964.
Kay, Cristóbal, Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment, London, Routledge, 1989.
Magdoff, Harry, The Age of imperialism, MRP, New York, (1966).
Mandel, Ernest, “Introduction à la Novaia Ejonomika, en Préobrajensky”, La nouvelle Economique, EDI, Paris (1965) 1970.
Marini, Ruy Mauro, “Brazilian “interdependence” and imperialist integration”, in Monthly Review, Vol. 17, n° 7, 1965.
------ “Brazilian Subimperialism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 27, n° 9, 1972.
------ La dialéctica de la dependencia, México, ERA, 1973.
Martínez Heredia, Fernando, “El mundo ideológico cubano de 1959 marzo 1960”, en Sánchez Quiroz, Pensar en tiempo de revolución, Buenos aires, CLACSO, 2018.
McChesney, Robert W., “The Monthly Review Story: 1949-1984”, en MR Zine, June, 5, 2007.
Mills, Charles W, White Collar, Oxford University Press, New York, 1951.
Nichols, John, The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party, Verso Books, London, 2020.
O’Connor, Harvey, “The Colonial Dilemma, Part I”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 3, n° 9, 1952.
------ “The Colonial Dilemma, Part II”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 3, n° 10, 1952.
------ The Empire of Oil, MRP, New York, 1955.
Perlo, Victor, Empire of high finance, International Publishers, New York, 1957.
Radosh, Ronald, Commies: A Journey Through the Old Left, the New Left and the Leftover Left, Encounter Books, 2010.
Rojas, Rafael, Fighting over Fidel, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2015.
Samuelson, Paul. Anthony, “Schumpeter as a teacher and economic theorist”, in The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1951, pp. 98-103.
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, Histoire de l’analyse économique, Tomes I y III, Paris, Gallimard, (1954) 1983.
Strong, Anna Louise, “Guatemala: A First-Hand Report”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 5, n° 11, 1954.
Sweezy, Paul, Teoría del desarrollo capitalista, México, FCE, (1942) 1981.
------ “La aportación de Keynes al análisis del capitalismo”, en John Maynard Keynes et al. Crítica de la economía clásica, Buenos Aires, Ariel, (1946) 1972.
------ “Introduction to Schumpeter”, en Imperialism and social classes, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1951.
------ “A critique”, en Hilton, Rodney (ed.), The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, London, New Left Books, (1954) 1976.
------ “Paul A. Baran: Recuerdos personales” en Sweezy, Paul, Harry Magdoff, Paul Baran, El hombre y su obra, Madrid, Siglo XXI, (1965) 1971.
------ “A Conversation with Paul Sweezy”, by Sungar Savran y E. Ahmet Tonak, in Monthly Review, Vol. 38, n° 11, 1987.
Sweezy, Paul y Huberman, Leo, FO Matthiessen, 1902-1950, Schuman, New York, 1950.
------ Cuba: Anatomy of a Revolution, MRP, New York, 1960.
____ “Notes on Latin America”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 14, n° 11, 1963.
____ Socialism in Cuba, MRP, New York, 1969.
Sweezy, Paul to Baran, Paul, May 6, 1962, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ Jan. 17, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ Jan. 28, 1963, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ March 29, 1963 en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
____ Feb. 24, 1964, en The Age of Monopoly Capital, MRP, New York.
Sweezy Paul y Magdoff, Harry, “New Reformism”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 28, n° 2, 1976.
Sweezy, Paul, “Interview of Paul M. Sweezy” by Christopher Phelps and Andor Skotnes, en Monthly Review, Vol. 51, n°1, 1999.
Uchitelle, Louise, “Paul Sweezy, 93, Marxist Publisher and Economist, died”, en New York Times, March 2, 2004.
US Senate, “Henry Agard Wallace, 33rd Vice President (1941-1945)”, 2020. Disponible en https://www.senate.gov/about/officers-staff/vice-president/VP_Henry_Wallace.htm
Wallace, Henry A., “What is Progressive Capitalism?”, en Monthly Review, Vol. 1, n°. 12, 1950.
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