Oriente y Occidente en el pensamiento de Mariátegui
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Orientalism civilizational crisis; philo-sophical journalism×
Civilizational Crisis
Philosophical Journalism


Abstract :
This article places Mariátegui’s considerations about
«East» ante «West» within the intellectual debate
that occurred in Latin America after World War I and
the correlative perception of a huge scope civiliza-
tional crisis. It argues that although Mariátegui took
part in the positive reception of phenomena attri-
buted to the East on which the intellectual genera-
tion of 1920 embarked, he distinguished himself from
its main trunk by having quickly recomposed a posi-
tive concept of Western culture; civilizational hori-
zon en which since 1924/1925 he inscribed his
thoughts about Perú and prism through which he
continued paying attention to eastern phenomena.
Key words: Orientalism; civilizational crisis; philo-
sophical journalism

PDF (Español (España))


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