Memories and reflections on the de / coloniality of power


The critical essays by Andrea Barrica and Ariel Petruccelli on the coloniality of power, Aníbal Quijano and my own work, led me to reflect on precisely these three hinge points. The memories and reflections on the coloniality of power announced in the title, motivated by specific points indicated by Barrica and Petrucelli, instances of a constant question that I ask myself and my undergraduate students; sometimes when in workshops or conversatorios the conversational drift brings me to this point. The question is this: Why do we do what we do? Personally, why do I do what I do? My personal answer to this question revolves around the moment when the concept of "coloniality" entered my life. Not in my profession or discipline, but in my life, which led me to understand where I was located in the colonial matrix of power. Hence, after presenting the colonial matrix of power on the first day of a graduate seminar, I invite students to reflect during the semester on these two issues: where each of them has been located (by gender and sexual preferences, social class and racialized ethnicity, language, nationality, religion ), etc. in the colonial matrix of power. And secondly, I invite them to be alert to where coloniality is showing up in their daily lives and on whether coloniality touches them in any way. These memories and reflections are about this.
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