The postmodern turn in archivology


Peer-reviewed article

The present work revolves around the so-called “Postmo-
dern Turn” in archival science beginning with the impact of
a series of texts, among those not only Archive Fever by Ja-
cques Derrida, but also others authored by archivists such
as Eric Ketelaar, Terry Cook and Lucia María Velloso de
Oliveira, adding to two crucial factors: the computational
revolution and the new demands and needs of civil society
regarding the archive as institution, and therefore, the new
challenges facing the professionals who work there. With
regard to the latter, a case-study is here outlined: the work
which which has been carried out in the “Área de Archivos
y Colecciones Particulares” of Centro de Documentación
de Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas (CeDInCI).

Received 03/07/2019
Acepted el 28/08/2019
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