Chronicles of an event
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Personal archives
Archival science
Public policies
Academic events


This article constitutes a critical narration of the different
interventions and debates that took place during the III as
Jornadas de Reflexión, II Congreso Internacional. Archivos
personales en transición: de lo privado a lo público, de lo
analógico a lo digital, organized by the Centro de Docu-
mentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas, the
archive of the Instituto de Investigaciones sobre el Arte
y la Cultura of the Universidad de Tres de Febrero and
the Archivo General de la Universidad de la República. This
year’s call was about two major problems, which founda-
tions can be found in this article: the mutation in the ways
of production, circulation, collection and ownership of
personal documents in the digital environment (especia-
lly in regard to the “digital born” documents); and, on the
other hand, the legal, ethical and practical problems of the
transfer of personal collections from the domestic to the
institutional sphere.
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